Saturday, October 3, 2015

[Book] The 100-year-old man who climbed out the window and disappeared

Author: Jonas Jonasson  
Year: 2009

I agree with first phrase of Marie Claire's review of  this book, such a a playful book; however, in my opinion, it's more than remind us to live life to the fullest, it's a review of significant events and memoirs in 20th century. It's hard to believe what happened in Allan life, or in fact, it's impossible to happen. Even though, I guess everyone would love to listen to stories of grandpa life long experience; especially when they represent the social context and movement then. By learning the past from the elderly,  you'd get a clearer idea of how incredibly this world moved on. 

Allan view of politics and religions
Growing up experience social political system changed rapidly, Allan define himself as no interested in any politics related topics and refuse to pick a side. Ironically, later his life always crushed in complex relationship with well known politician from all over the sides: Fascist, Capitalist, Communist, Socialist. By accidentally had the only Capitalist of the town exploded into pieces, forecast his successful life as a destroyer and confusing implication with political strategic. I'm quite impression with the way the writer arrange Allan met up with all great politician like Truman, Song Meiling, Stalin, Mao, Kim Young Il...

With his rich experience, Allan always affirm his attitude towards religion, atheist. From the earlier history, there's a firm connections between religion and power control. Since the date Christian had become official religion of Roman Empire, it gained power and shared glory with those Majesty. The pastor in Iran brings along the idea of how far religious propaganda can be seriously taken? When you found your endless and enlightenment, should you go further by spreading this delight to others? The pastor no doubt want to relieve public sorrow; however, his way of combine religious and politics made faith been forced but not a freely choice. No one has the right to  force others to do or follow anything. Too much propaganda for an unclear purpose in a large scale, and even worse, not at the right time can lead to tragedy. 
"To keep on saying the same thing over and over again thus served no purpose."
Allan, exploded his own house twice. He was brave to challenge completely new things and dare to step out of his comfortable nest. People said he's weird and crazy, but if you follow the his own way of simple logic, he had a clear and brilliant mind, though sometimes lost in directions and easy to get satisfied as long as vodka is provided, whenever his life in harsh condition. As he declared once, enjoy the situation and wait at least to the right moment for big change. Even when being chased after by the police, he still remains calm and slowly enjoy everything. He's not in a hurry at all. 
 "It wasn't hard to play stupid when you're stupid, said Herbert...because the idiots Allan had met so far in his life had all tried to do the opposite."
The plot of  Einstein the genius and his ingenuous brother Herbert Einstein was a nice shot. As the law of nature, if there's intelligent there supposed to have idiots to make balance. Since there're many idiots trying to play smart, there supposed many smart people play dump. But Herbert's case is really confusing a lot to clarify. He reminds me a famous Chinese idioms stated  大智若愚, which literally means "A man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted. A master looks like a fool. An intelligent man looks dull. Apparent ignorance is in fact informed. An empty vessel makes the most sound.", according to Iciba online dictionary. This statement was highest life guiding principle. 
"Life worked in such a way that right was not necessarily right, but rather what the person in charge said was right."
Such a harsh conclusion about life, though, maybe it's just the way things happen. Unfortunately, there're thousand hundreds things that goes on the way of illogical or unreasonable. Reading newspaper, you probably can't stop wonder how can those irrationality still can exist and theirs nonsense reason had been accepted by the majority. Somewhere on the world, people cry out loud for justice, yet not ready and lacking of courage to throw themselves in charge of their own society. Allan consisted staying apart from politics, caring nothing related to politics, but he was unintentionally get involved no matter where he go, highest mountains or most relaxing tropical beaches. Aren't we the same situation, we choose to exclude ourselves from this complex and seem doing no good macro problem, how can we run away from what affects our daily life or even our future? 

In the end, I'd like to say, although I totally in love with this old man story, I think the book can simply focus on one story which is full of fancy imaginations based on the epoch of great time. Method of writing looks like too different streams of story line basically divided in chapters which based on quite not a firm connector, Allan the elderly. This made me took on not a really brilliant way of reading, I just scattering and looking for part of Allan early life.  His inspiring life, or lies, is a message of living your life to the fullest, make your own stories, for later you can tell your children how extraordinary your life was; even no one belief that was really happened. Just like what we react to Allan. 

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